No 09-2011, Greek ricochet? What drove Poles' attitudes to the euro in 2009-2010 - A. Torój, J. Osińska

    No 09-2011, Greek ricochet? What drove Poles' attitudes to the euro in 2009-2010 - A. Torój, J. Osińska

    No 09-2011, Greek ricochet? What drove Poles' attitudes to the euro in 2009-2010 - A. Torój, J. Osińska

    We investigate the determinants of support for the euro adoption in Poland in 2009 and 2010. Using two unique survey datasets, collected in December 2009 and June 2010, we estimate ordered and unordered logit models explaining the respondents' attitude to the introduction of the common currency. Whereas the public support has generally declined over this period, probably against the background of sovereign debt crises in the euro area, this decline was concentrated along some dimensions. We find that the declared level of information about the euro is a key driver of this support, both in 2009 and - even more so - in 2010, as well-informed respondents tend to be significantly more supportive of the common currency than badly-informed ones. We also find some evidence that political views influence the attitude towards the euro, but they are by no means its main determinant. During the crisis, the conviction of euro being a "strong, stable currency" has faded; instead, a negative attitude started to result from low income, high age and low economic knowledge. Surprisingly, in 2010 a more negative attitude was represented by students, white-collar workers and big city residents. All in all, the public perception of the euro does not seem to be fixed, but evolves with economic and political developments, so that new concerns appear.

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    Publication information

    Approve date: 06.09.2012 Publish date 06.09.2012 14:52 Last modification date: 02.09.2016 12:12
    Author: Departament Polityki Finansowej, Analiz i Statystyki Publishing person: Paweł Kolski Modification person: Monika Błaszczyk
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