18-19 kwietnia spotkania z szefem HR Azjatyckiego Banku Inwestycji Infrastrukturalnych

18-19 kwietnia spotkania z szefem HR Azjatyckiego Banku Inwestycji Infrastrukturalnych

18-19 kwietnia spotkania z szefem HR Azjatyckiego Banku Inwestycji Infrastrukturalnych

Uśmiechnięty Daniel Shim Director General, Human Resources Department Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
  • Szef Departamentu HR w Azjatyckim Banku Inwestycji Infrastrukturalnych (AIIB) Daniel Shim 18 i 19 kwietnia 2018 r. weźmie udział w dwóch spotkaniach w Warszawie.
  • Będzie to okazja do przedstawienia możliwości podjęcia pracy przez Polaków w AIIB.

18 kwietnia (środa) o 17.00 Daniel Shim wygłosi wykład na Akademii L. Koźmińskiego dotyczący programu AIIB Young Professionals (AYP). Jest on skierowany do osób, które skończyły studia i rozpoczynają pracę zawodową (więcej o programie AYP poniżej).

19 kwietnia (czwartek) o 16.15 w Ministerstwie Inwestycji i Rozwoju (MIiR), sala im. Grażyny Gęsickiej (wejście od ulicy Wspólnej), odbędzie się otwarte spotkanie dotyczące polityki zatrudnienia w AIIB, skierowane do osób zainteresowanych pracą w banku.

Na spotkanie w MIiR zapraszamy osoby:

  • zainteresowane pracą w międzynarodowym banku rozwojowym,
  • doświadczone w sektorach związanych z finansami lub infrastrukturą,
  • absolwentów inżynierii, finansów, ekonomii, prawa, ochrony środowiska, pracujących w swoim zawodzie,
  • zainteresowane dołączeniem do dynamicznego zespołu AIIB.

Jak wziąć udział w spotkaniach

Zgłoszenia z informacją o reprezentowanej instytucji oraz wskazaniem spotkania, w którym chce się wziąć udział, należy przesyłać na adres radek.pyffel@aiib.org

Liczba miejsc jest ograniczona. Przesłanie zgłoszenia nie oznacza udziału w spotkaniu (osoby zakwalifikowane otrzymają potwierdzenie udziału).

Uwaga: Obydwa spotkania odbędą się w języku angielskim, bez tłumaczenia na język polski.

Więcej informacji (w języku angielskim)

The Bank seeks candidates who:

  • are committed to and passionate about the Bank's mission
  • are motivated self-starters and independent thinkers
  • possess excellent quantitative, analytical and problem-solving skills and the ability to think conceptually
  • can explain complex ideas --orally and in writing -- succinctly and persuasively
  • demonstrate effective interpersonal and teamwork behaviors
  • have sound judgement
  • can operate successfully in a multi-cultural organization.

Candidates with experience in areas which will support AIIB's institutional priorities, sustainable infrastructure, cross-country connectivity and private capital mobilization, are encouraged to apply. Expertise in investment banking; project and micro/macro-economic analysis; treasury management; strategy and policy development; and risk analysis is desired.

Annual Program intake size will be proposed for Board approval in the Bank's annual Business Plans. The application period for the YPP is May to June every year. Selection will be conducted through competitive processes.

Director General, Human Resources Department AIIB

Mr. Daniel Shim is a senior HR executive with over 30 years of experience working in multilateral corporations. At his current position in AIIB, he plays a major role in overseeing the organization's people strategy and leads various HR functions.

Before joining in AIIB, he served as Acting Director & General Manager of HR at Mass Transit Railway Corporation Hong Kong for 7 years. He has also held a number of leadership roles for over 14 years at General Electric and Las Vegas Sands Corporation, across various business units including industrial and power. He was the first and only Asian recipient of the GE Global HR Excellence Award in 2005. Earlier in his career, he worked with Intel Asia Pacific, Inchcape Pacific.

Mr. Shim holds a Bachelor of Arts with double majors in Organizational Psychology & Public Administration graduated from the University of Queensland.

Young Professionals Program

AIIB is aiming to recruit and develop a cadre of outstanding Young Professionals ("YPs") in the early stages of their careers to contribute to the realization of the Bank's mission. YPs will work with the Bank's staff to develop, enhance and leverage their professional skills and expertise while acquiring hands-on experience. Working with clients in Asia's public and private sectors, YPs will gain a deep understanding of, and broader perspectives on the Region's infrastructure development and financing challenges and opportunities.

Successful applicants will have excellent academic records and professional qualifications, demonstrate leadership potential, and possess excellent communications, analytical, organizational and interpersonal skills. The YP Program is open to candidates from all countries.

Age: YPs must be under age 32 at time of entry-on-board. No exceptions will be made to this age limit.

Education: a minimum of an MBA/Master's degree or equivalent from an internationally recognized institution. Degrees in finance/banking, business administration, economics, energy, transportation, engineering, urban planning, water and sanitation, environmental and social management, telecommunications, accounting, and public policy are preferred.

Experience: a minimum of 2 years full-time, relevant professional work experience (excluding summer jobs and internships).

Communications: The Bank's working language is English. Successful candidates should be fully fluent in both written and oral English and have excellent communications skills. YPs must be able to produce English language documentation at the standard expected in an international organization. Shortlisted applicants are required to take an English language proficiency test. Proficiency in other Asian regional languages is valued.

About AIIB

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a multilateral development bank with a mission to improve social and economic outcomes in Asia and beyond. Headquartered in Beijing, commenced operations in January 2016 and have now grown to 84 approved members from around the world. By investing in sustainable infrastructure and other productive sectors today, will better connect people, services and markets that over time will impact the lives of billions and build a better future.