
Department for Audit of Public Funds

Department for Audit of Public Funds

Department for Audit of Public Funds

Director: Dominik Zalewski

Vice Director: Jacek Łepecki
Vice Director: Mariusz Frączkowski
Vice Director: Dorota Kwiecińska

phone: +48 (22) 163-78-00

phone: +48 (22) 163-78-01
fax: + 48 (22) 163-78-02
e-mail: sekretariat.DAS@mf.gov.pl

The Department implements tasks in the scope of audit and control of funds originating from the EU and non-refundable funds from other foreign sources. It is responsible for the execution of the function of the Dedicated Implementation Structure of the Common Agricultural Policy and the performance of AFCOS tasks. It provides assistance to the Government Plenipotentiary for Combating Financial Irregularities Detrimental to the Republic of Poland or the European Union and the Interministerial Group  for Combating Financial Irregularities Detrimental to the Republic of Poland or the European Union. Supervision and coordination for audits of national public funds in scope of art. 95 (1) pt. 2-7 of Act on National Treasury Administration. 
