Adoption of the second report of progress in aligning the Polish system of anti-money laundering and terrorist financing to the international standards in this area

Adoption of the second report of progress in aligning the Polish system of anti-money laundering and terrorist financing to the international standards in this area

Adoption of the second report of progress in aligning the Polish system of anti-money laundering and terrorist financing to the international standards in this area

We kindly inform that on 27 September - 1 October 2010 was held 33 plenary session of the Special Committee of the Council of Europe MONEYVAL. The most important part of the meeting in the plenary session was the discussion on the second progress report – within the framework of the third evaluation – of the Polish system of anti-money laundering and terrorist financing. Polish progress report was reviewed during the plenary session by the representatives of Montenegro, who after the presentation of the summary of their review in several points, expressed a positive opinion recommending the adoption of Polish progress report during the plenary discussion.

By the decision of the plenary meeting of the MONEYVAL Committee on 27th September 2010 the second report describing the progress in aligning the Polish system of anti-money laundering and terrorist financing to the international standards in this area was adopted. The report was recently published on the official website of Council of Europe. Hereunder you shall find the English version of the report (pdf 1,2 MB).