European Union - Gulf Cooperation Council Workshop on combating terrorist financing, organized by the Polish Presidency held in the EU Council.

European Union - Gulf Cooperation Council Workshop on combating terrorist financing, organized by the Polish Presidency held in the EU Council.

European Union - Gulf Cooperation Council Workshop on combating terrorist financing, organized by the Polish Presidency held in the EU Council.

The Ministry of Finance within the Polish Presidency of the EU Council organized the European Union - Gulf Cooperation Council Workshop covering issues related to fight against terrorist financing (EU-GCC Workshop on Combating Terrorist Financing). The meeting was held in Warsaw on 22-23 November 2011.
Workshops on the issue have already been organized by some of the countries which held Presidency of the EU Council. The previous time was in 2009.
This year's workshop attracted a record number of delegates so far. It was attended by representatives of EU and GCC institutions responsible for the issues of combating terrorist financing (European External Action Service, European Commission, the GCC General Secretariat, the FIU.Net Bureau). Delegates from twenty EU member states and all GCC member states representing authorities that carry out tasks in the field of CTF (financial intelligence units, ministries of foreign affairs, home affairs and other services) were also present.
The goals of the meeting have been the mutual exchange of experiences in combating terrorist financing as well as the presentation of solutions operating in different countries to struggle terrorism and discussion on the direction of actions allowing for more effective fight against terrorist financing.
The result of the meeting has also been the declaration on closer cooperation in combating terrorist financing between the European Union and Gulf Cooperation Council, envisaging among others introducing specific institutional arrangements for implementation of regular meetings and working contacts of experts.