Compulsory Insurance

Compulsory Insurance

Compulsory Insurance

Conditions and rules for the conclusion and performance of contracts pertaining to the compulsory liability insurance of motor vehicles owners, the compulsory liability insurance of farmers and the compulsory insurance of the farm buildings against fire and other fortuitous accidents lays down the Act of 22 May 2003 on compulsory insurance, the Insurance Guarantee Fund and the Polish Motor Insurers' Bureau.

Moreover, the Act lays down the controlling methods of the execution of the legal obligation to conclude the abovementioned insurance contracts, the consequences of not fulfilling of this legal obligation, basic principles that other specified compulsory insurance contracts should meet as well as the tasks and principles of the Insurance Guarantee Fund and the Polish Motor Insurers' Bureau.

Obligation to concludecompulsory insurance contracts - mainly liability insurance - is also laid down by the provisions of other Acts, so-called "professional", governing the exercise of a profession or to provide certain types of services. Compulsory insurance is imposed, inter alia, tax advisors, lawyers, medical companies, bailiffs.