EUR Green Bonds priced

EUR Green Bonds priced

EUR Green Bonds priced

The Ministry of Finance priced on January 31st, 2018 a 8.5-year EUR denominated "Green Bonds" maturing on August 7th, 2026.

Demand at EUR 3.25bn allowed EUR 1bn issue. The bond was priced at the level of 23 basis points over mid-swap rate, yielding 1.153% with annual coupon at the level of 1.125%.

Republic of Poland priced its second Green Bonds. Proceeds from the issuance will be spent on environmental projects according to the Green Bond Framework.

The issue was executed under Republic of Poland's Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) Programme. The lead managers and bookrunners on the transaction were BNP Paribas, Citi, Commerzbank, Societe Generale and PKO BP.