Fitch rating agency affirmed Poland’s credit rating

Fitch rating agency affirmed Poland’s credit rating

Fitch rating agency affirmed Poland’s credit rating

On 8 December 2017 rating agency Fitch announced a decision about keeping Poland's credit rating unchanged at the level of A-/F2 for long and short term liabilities respectively in foreign currency and A-/F1 for long and short term liabilities respectively in local currency. Rating's outlook remained at a stable level.

Fitch rating agency in its press release justifying the decision indicates solid macro fundamentals and well capitalised, liquid and profitable banking sector. Agency forecasts 4.4% of GDP growth in 2017. According to Fitch, general government deficit will tighten to 1.8% of GDP this year while public debt will decrease to 53.1%.

According to the agency, Poland's rating could be raised as a result of continued high GDP growth and continued reduction in net external debt ratio. On the other hand, rating could be lowered in case of any signs of weakening relevance of 3% deficit limit, failure to stabilise debt-to-GDP ratio in the medium term or weaker macro-economic policy framework.