Pricing of EUR bond - reopen

Pricing of EUR bond - reopen

Pricing of EUR bond - reopen

The Ministry of Finance would like to inform that on 13 April this year reopening of 20-year euro-denominated benchmark bond maturing on 18 January 2036 with 2.375% coupon has been priced.

The nominal amount of transaction reached EUR 750 million with the orderbook at the level of EUR 1.1 bn. As a result the aggregate nominal amount of the bond is EUR 1.5bn.

The bonds were priced 125 basis points over interpolated mid-swap rate, which gives yield at 2.275%.

The bonds were placed mostly among Eurozone investors (83%) mainly from: Austria, Germany, Italy and France. The share of Polish investors amounted to 11%, Swiss 2%, UK 1%, Asian 1% and other countries 2%.

In terms of investor type, pension funds and insurance companies dominated the orderbook – 64%. Asset managers account for 19%, banks for 15%, and central banks for 2%.

The issue was executed under Republic of Poland's Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) Programme.

The lead managers on the transaction are Citi, HSBC, ING, Societe Generale and UniCredit.