Paweł Cybulski - Undersecretary of State, Deputy Head of the National Revenue Administration

Paweł Cybulski - Undersecretary of State, Deputy Head of the National Revenue Administration

Paweł Cybulski - Undersecretary of State, Deputy Head of the National Revenue Administration

Paweł Cybulski - Undersecretary of State, Deputy Head of the National Revenue Administration

Born on 21 September 1957 in Warsaw. Graduate of the Department of Law at the Cardinal Wyszyński University (1983).

Associated with the fiscal administration, starting from the position of a tax commissioner to director of the Tax Chamber in Warsaw (1995-2007).

A lecturer in the field of tax law and management systems (the Bogdan Jański Academy in Warsaw, Pułtusk Academy  of Humanities).

As early as in 2004 he implemented the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) in the fiscal administration. The Tax Office under his management was awarded in the competition organised by the Head of the Civil Service for the friendliest governmental administration office. He initiated and organised the 1st Conference on Revenue Service Quality (2004).

He conducted investigation inspections and audits in companies of PGE Capital Group (2008-2015).

In February 2016 - appointed to the position of director of the Tax Chamber on Warsaw and in March  2017 - to the position of director of the Revenue Administration Regional Office in Warsaw.

Married, with three children.