Conference Euro changeover – what should or shouldn’t be done. Conference on Euro Changeover Preparations, 2011

Conference Euro changeover – what should or shouldn’t be done. Conference on Euro Changeover Preparations, 2011

Conference Euro changeover – what should or shouldn’t be done. Conference on Euro Changeover Preparations, 2011

Conference: Euro changeover – what should or shouldn't be done? Conference on Euro Changeover PreparationsOn 10-11th March an international conference Euro changeover – what should or shouldn't be done? Conference on Euro Changeover Preparations took place in Warsaw. The event was co-organized by the Government Plenipotentiary for Euro Adoption in Poland and the European Commission, DG ECFIN. The main purpose of the conference was to exchange knowledge and experiences on the practical preparations to euro changeover in different fields of the changeover process: cash changeover, financial and non-financial sector, public administration, consumer protection, and communication strategy.

Invited speakers included representatives of the "first-wave" euro area members, as well as representatives of countries that adopted the common currency between 2007-2011, i.e. Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta, Slovakia, and Estonia. Each session comprised two presentations, so as to contrast and compare the solutions developed by these two groups of countries in their preparations for the changeover. The chair of each session summarized the information presented by both speakers, adding comments on changeover experiences of his country or institution and led the subsequent discussion.

The participants of the conference had also the opportunity to hear the European Commission's comments on the practical preparations for euro changeover and to learn about Estonia's recent experience of adopting the euro. Furthermore, the Polish preparations for introducing the common currency and the actual state of play were presented. The conference was closed with a panel discussion, with experts directly involved in coordination of the preparations for euro adoption in the Visegrad countries and Estonia.

One of the panel participants


The event was organized in order to facilitate the works of the inter-institutional organizational structure for euro adoption in Poland, particularly with respect to its main task this year – drafting of the National Euro Changeover Plan. Preparation of this document has been preceded with the publication of the Strategic Guidelines for Euro Changeover Plan. Apart from the members of the Polish organizational structure, the participants of the conference included representatives of DirCom and EuroTeam, academia, NGOs and social partners.

Main conclusions to be drawn from the conference include the need for a close cooperation and coordination between private and public sector institutions in drawing up an appropriate strategy for integration with the euro area. Moreover, all the speakers underlined the importance of thorough planning of the changeover process and the need for an early start of preparations, which seems especially vital in the case of such a big country as Poland.

Presentations from the conference:


Session 1: Cash Changeover

Session 2: Preparing the financial sector

Session 3: European Comission's view: practical preparations to the euro changeover

Sesja 4: Preparing the non-financial sector

Session 5: Preparing public administration

Session 6: Consumer Protection

Session 7: Information Campaign

Session 8: Estonia: latest experiences

Session 9: Polish preparations for euro adoption


Publication information

Approve date: 18.01.2016 Publish date 18.01.2016 16:13 Last modification date: 20.12.2017 09:43
Author: Departament Polityki Makroekonomicznej Publishing person: Katarzyna Waćko-Jasińska Modification person: Katarzyna Waćko-Jasińska