Eurobond priced

Eurobond priced

Eurobond priced

The Ministry of Finance priced on September 2nd, 2015 a 10-year EUR denominated benchmark bond with a maturity on September 9th, 2025. The nominal amount of the issue is EUR 1 bn. The orderbook reached EUR 1.3 bn.

The bond yields 1.592 per cent., which is 48 basis points over mid-swap rate. Annual coupon has been set at 1.5%.

The structure of buyers is well diversified in terms of both, geography and investor type.

The bonds were placed mainly among European investors, including: Germany (38%), Belgium (11%), Poland (10%), Austria (6%), United Kingdom (5%), Switzerland (4%), France (4%), and other European countries (7%). The share of investors from North America, Latin America and Asia amounted for 9%, 5% and 1% respectively.

In terms of investor type, asset managers accounts dominated the orderbook – 48%, followed by banks with 30%, pension funds and insurance companies - 13%, and the central banks - 8%.

The issue was executed under Republic of Poland's Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) Programme.

The lead managers on the transaction are BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and J.P. Morgan.