Information about the Agreement between the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Treasury on the cooperation on mandating financial services related to offering financial instruments by the State Treasury.

Information about the Agreement between the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Treasury on the cooperation on mandating financial services related to offering financial instruments by the State Treasury.

Information about the Agreement between the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Treasury on the cooperation on mandating financial services related to offering financial instruments by the State Treasury.

The Minister of Finance and the Minister of Treasury have signed an agreement on the cooperation on mandating financial services related to offering financial instruments by the State Treasury.

Under the agreement the Minister of Treasury, when mandating financial services related to selling shares of public companies owned by the State Treasury or concluding other transactions on financial instruments, will take into consideration the current ranking of Treasury Securities Dealers.

Simultaneously, the Minister of Finance, when mandating financial services related to placing Treasury Securities on foreign markets, agrees to take into consideration the current assessment of the entities acting on the Polish capital market prepared by the Minister of Treasury.

The aim of the agreement is to develop Polish capital market by supporting the activity of financial institutions cooperating with the ministries on both debt and equity markets.

Until now each ministry has been choosing financial intermediaries on the basis of the sets of criteria that applied only to the scope of the activities of the particular ministry. According to the agreement the Ministry of Finance, when choosing intermediaries will take into account their commitment to the development of Polish capital market, and the Ministry of Treasury – their activity on Treasury Securities market. Consolidated approach of both ministries will provide incentives for financial institutions to expand their activities in Poland