MF priced 2-year EUR denominated bonds

MF priced 2-year EUR denominated bonds

MF priced 2-year EUR denominated bonds

The Ministry of Finance priced on November 20th, 2-year EUR denominated bonds in Private Placement format.

The nominal amount of the issue that matures on November 27th, 2019 is EUR 300 million. Floating rate coupon at 45bp over 3 month EURIBOR will be payed quarterly. Issue price was 100.723% of nominal value. Together with the bond, swap transaction has been executed in order to change floating to fixed rate. MoF will receive quarterly floating payments corresponding to coupon payments and annual payment of 0.15% of issue's nominal value.  As a result, negative yield of -0.15% has been achieved on the transaction.

The issue was executed under Republic of Poland's Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) Programme. The arranger of the issue was Barclays.